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Finals Week Checklist

by | Apr 29, 2019 | test taking, tips

Are you ready for finals week?

Finals exams, two words that when combined can send shivers down your spine. No one likes finals week, and we repeat, nobody. Yet, despite these feelings, we all have to take them. They represent a cumulation of how well you did in each class you are taking. Getting just 5 points lower on a test could make or break that A you were shooting for, or even lead to you failing a class…

Combined with great study tips and some technology, the following checklist will help you survive finals week. Take note of each item on this list before or while you are studying and you will not only survive final exams but dominate them!

Oh, and if you ever get too stressed, use these tricks to calm down quickly so you can get back to studying with a clear mind!

Checklist to dominate this final exam week!

What’s missing…

What would you also put on your finals week checklist?!